Who We Are

Jacob Lawren Hydrogen 

Jacob Lawren Hydrogen is a 100% Indigenous Ghanaian company based in Accra Ghana. Its focus is on the development of Green Hydrogen in Ghana. The aim is to provide Green Hydrogen at a competitive price in Ghana and build infrastructure to make H2 easily accessible.

We target the different industries from power generation, telecommunication to mobility and mining. We look to develop viable & competitive business cases for the decarbonization of these industries. To achieve this Jacob Lawren hydrogen will take 3 approaches, project development, agency agreements, and ambassadorial promotion of hydrogen.


Our Vision

With the negative effects of climate change being visible every day, most, if not all, people are convinced that the world  needs to decarbonize. However it would be too easy to only look at what other countries could do to reduce their carbon emission. In West Africa we have to look how we could contribute to decarbonising the world.

At Jacob Lawren Ltd, we are pioneering the decarbonizing of Ghana and beyond. Already in 2021 Jacob Lawren Ltd became a pioneer member of the African Hydrogen Partnership [AHP] an umbrella organization with the objective to lay the foundation for establishing hydrogen economies and societies in Africa.

In the future, we can no longer depend on fossil fuels to drive the economies in West Africa.We believe in a West Africa with an environmentally and economically sustainable future.A future where Hydrogen would be cheaper than Diesel, A future where it is as easy to refuel your hydrogen vehicle as it is to fill your truck or generator with diesel today. A future where we achieve this vision through true collaboration with companies and individuals in other African countries.A future free from carbon pollution.

This transition of energy sources from hydrocarbons  to green molecules will happen without a doubt. This energy transition will create new, good earning, jobs in West Africa.This energy transition will deliver an affordable, clean, and renewable alternative to fossil fuels, that should drive the future economic growth in (West)Africa.

Africa has a lot to offer in this energy transition, it has Sun, Wind, Water, Hydro energy, and large parcels of land. All the ingredients to produce Affordable Green Molecules.West Africa has a high number of young and mobile residents in the coastal areas.

We believe it is these coastal areas that will have an early adoption of Green Hydrogen….. provided we can supply the Green Hydrogen for a price that is lower than a litre of diesel! And that is our MISSION.

Our Mission


The Mission of Jacob Lawren Hydrogen is to dramatically accelerate the decarbonization of Ghana’s Energy mix through the development of green hydrogen/Ammonia projects. Together with our partners, we aim to develop sustainable projects that will contribute to Ghana’s commitment to the Paris climate accord.


Our Team


Marcel’s corporate career brought him from Europe to Asia, where for almost 20 years he gave leadership to large international sales organisations in the IT industry for companies like Hewlett Packard and 3Com Corporation meeting sales targets of over US$250 M per annum.

He was Vice President from 1999 to 2004 in Asia Pacific based in Singapore. After a successful corporate career, Marcel desired his own business and new opportunities in Africa. Together with his wife Sally, he founded Jacob Lawren Ltd. in 2005 in Ghana.

Since that time the company has done numerous projects in Civil Engineering, Heavy Haulage, and Renewable Energy. Sustainability and a chance for a greener future are what drove him to establish Jacob Lawren Hydrogen.

For a decade Michael Jan Jacobs has been in charge of Jacob Lawren’s operation as Operations Director.He gets his hands dirty and as such was in the field when his team contributed to the building of water infrastructures, development of an irrigated farm and projects in the Energy sector. He was instrumental in building logistics for both food products and mining equipment .

In 2017 Michael initiated a joint venture between ALE (later Mammoet) and Jacob Lawren Ltd, to provide best in class heavy haulage services in West Africa.

In 2021 Michael identified the need for an energy transition from fossil fuels to green molecules and made Jacob Lawren Ltd to become a pioneer member of the African Hydrogen Partnership [AHP] an umbrella organization with the objective to lay the foundation for establishing hydrogen economies and societies in Africa.

In 2022 after hiring a strong management team underneath him, he has now dedicated his life to decarbonize Ghana and is also in charge of the newly found hydrogen department of Jacob Lawren Ltd..

Please see below our blog which provides updates on the latest developments happening in the Green hydrogen sector: